Why is it that religious families tend to be more prepared and don´t give in to temptations, fights, as easily as non religious ones?
I have also noticed that it is more likely for a parent to work more on the relationship he has with his children.

I have come to the conclusion that the more you get close to God, and try to obey his word and keep His commandments, the more happy and unified the family is.
I am thinking on a mother, whose life is busy (like the majority of mother´s life is), that perhaps has a part time job and she strives to do a good part in her role. She has a clean house, and she prays every morning and asks for guidance. She loves her children and is willing to sacrifice hours of sleep or of social time to be with her kids.
I am thinking of a father, who wakes up very early and starts his day by kissing his wife and giving her a big smile and a "good morning sweetheart", I see him getting out of bed and going on his knees to thank for his family. Taking the children to school and giving his best at work.
I see children in a house, where uplifting music is played during the day. Where they help with the house chores. Children who love their siblings and are willing to serve each other.
For some this might sound like an utopia, but it´s not.
I believe that we all deserve to live a perfect story. I don´t mean with this that there won´t be problems; I think all children have "accidents", all parents struggle at some point, in some things. We all have challenges but the key to succeed is FAITH.
"When you believe in God... yes, the boat still gets to rockin´ but [God] says. ´In me you can weather the storm" (Marks et al., 2008 p.179) Social science evidence suggests that shared faith appears to be a principle upon which "successful marriages and families are established and maintained", even during the storm.
Building a Family of Faith
Faith in our family begins with trusting our Heavenly Father and His promises. We press forward despite challenges, never giving up on ourselves or our children. We teach our family to have faith in Christ by living what we know to be true. Our children learn their most powerful lessons from our faithfulness.
(For more information about this please go to: http://www.lds.org/family/faith?lang=eng)
I want to share the following interview, Elder and Sister Cook talk about raising their children and forging a strong marriage and family through hard work and faith in the Lord. This couple summarizes with their example the importance and the evidence that it is possible to succeed if we exercise our Faith.
Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., Monroe, P.A., Nesteruk, O., &Sasser, D. (2008). "Together we are strong": A qualitative study of happy, enduring Adrican American marriages. Family Relations, 57, 172-184.
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