Saturday, April 6, 2013

Foundational Processes for an Enduring, Healthy Marriage

There are so many things a couple can do, say and share with each other prior getting married to start with a strong foundation. There are many good things the world counsels us to do to stay married and  live a life of quality. 
However it´s very common to see couples struggling with different issues, such as, a lack of communication, trust or respect. 

The thing we all want to know is. HOW can we have a healthy marriage, since the beggining and that lasts for all life and that we are longing to make it eternal?
Elder Bednar gives us the best way to achieve it, we have to live a marital life full of progress:

"The Lord Jesus Christ is the focal point in a covenant marriage relationship. PLease notice how the Savior is positioned at the apex of this triangle, with a woman at the base of one corner and a man at the other corner. Now consider what happens when in a relationship between the man and the woman as they individually and steadily "come unto Christ" and strive to be "perfected in Him"(Moroni 10:32). Because of and through the Redeemer, the man and woman come closer together. (Hawkins, 2012, p. 28.)

We must treat our spouse as the most precious blessing we can receive in this world, as usual, I have a video to share with you, it´s funny and has a great message, Hope you like it!

"Lasting Marriage"

A young couple talks to an older couple about marriage.

I found a really good article  with great  guide and tips to "Build an Eternal Marriage"

Building My Eternal Marriage

When I was a teenager, I developed faith that marriage could be a wonderful and eternal experience. It was difficult for me to always believe, however, because the examples of marriage I had growing up were not strong ones, and I kept a fear of marriage in my heart. But I determined that failure and unhappiness didn’t have to be the rule and that Heavenly Father would help me know how to have a happy marriage.
When I was 26 years old, I married Sidnei in the São Paulo Brazil Temple. While we were still dating, we tried to prepare ourselves spiritually and emotionally for the most significant event of our lives. We decided what type of marriage we wanted, we established goals together, and we shared our thoughts—our testimonies of the gospel, our wishes and worries, and our dreams. We also read together the counsel of the prophets on marriage. We did everything we could to prepare, wishing to provide happiness and security to each other and our future children. We asked the Lord to give us wisdom to live a happy life.
Now we have been married for 18 years. During these years, we have continued to learn from the precepts of the gospel, the counsel of our leaders, and, of course, the Spirit. Some of the things we have done to have a strong, happy marriage are:
  1. 1. Pray together every day. When we pray at night, we thank Heavenly Father for our marriage, for the love we have for each other, and we ask that our feelings will be strengthened and that we can become strong individually in the face of the designs of the adversary, who works to destroy families.
  2. 2. Ask for forgiveness. We work to never allow pride to keep us from asking for forgiveness or admitting we are wrong. Love and unity are more important than who is right or who is wrong.
  3. 3. Never speak evil of each other. It is obvious that neither of us is perfect, but we don’t say bad things about each other, and when we’re with others, we speak positively about each other.
  4. 4. Defend the institution of marriage. Whenever we have a chance—and especially if we are around people who are criticizing the institution of marriage—we stand up for families and what we believe in.
  5. 5. Talk a lot and listen. We stop what we are doing to really listen when the other person is talking.
  6. 6. Treat each other with love and consideration. We do not insult, accuse, or criticize each other.
  7. 7. Continue to seek help and counsel about marriage from the scriptures and the words of modern prophets. We do not know everything. We are imperfect and prone to forgetting and making mistakes. We prefer not to wait for problems to afflict us, but instead we work to build a strong marriage before a situation can hurt us.
These things have been instrumental in strengthening the relationship between my husband and me. I know that if we share our lives and our feelings with Heavenly Father and seek counsel from Him, the Holy Ghost will inspire us and we will be able to become an eternal family, overcoming all difficult times. We also know that Heavenly Father will help us as we seek to know and do His will.


Bednar, D.A. (2006, June.) Marriage is essential to His eternal plan. Ensign, 32, 82-87
Pontes, R.. (2011, September) Building my eternal Marriage. Ensign.

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