Saturday, April 6, 2013

“Honor Thy Father”: Key Principles and Practices in Fathering.

I really like to think that a family is close because of the Mother´s efforts, but I can´t deny that a home is not complete if it wasn´t for the Father´s influence.
I really like to see my husband playing and having a good time with my children. I love to see my kids laughing and huging him. I also appreciate when my husband has a personal talk with each one of them to help them correct an innapropiate behavior.
I am very glad that he strives on his duty as a Priesthood holder. The times when he has put his hands over my children´s head and give them a blessing are moments that can´t be changed for anything else in the world.
I admire and respecto so much single mothers who have to do the mother and the father´s role at the same time. It´s not easy.
Let us always remember that the opportunity we´ve been given to be parents is a preparation for the Eternal life we could have in the future.
We must do all we can to be the best parents. Fathers love your family, be there for them. Mothers, support your husbands and help them, love them. Children, respect your Fathers.
Fathers, you are to be the head of the family, it´s your sacred responsability to protect the family and provide them everything they need to return with Heavenly Father.

I loved this video, it made me thank God for my husband and his constant efforts to demonstrate the love he has for us.
I hope you like it.


Men on Earth have the opportunity to become fathers
and experience some of the same joys that our Heavenly Father feels for us. 
Fatherhood is a divine responsibility to be cherished.

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