How many times have you heard your children saying: "Why me? Why do I have to help with this Mom? Why can´t you ask for doing this to someone else? I don´t want to do it!"
I think the most families have pass for this situation MORE THAN ONCE. My question is why?
Why this generations see service as a charge, as an obligation instead as an opportunity to help and learn something from service.
President Gordon B. Hinckley said that "families working together as one of four things that could " in a generation or two" turn society´s "moral values" around. (1996, p.7.)
I have heard many of my friends begging for some "vacation time" their idea is to NOT DO ANYTHING AT ALL. The thought of an hotel where you don´t have to make bed, meals, or worry about an issue is the "ideal" of many people in the world.
In families same thing happens, mother´s want to buy the newest refrigerator. It has many functions, it´s supposed to make like easier. How about a dishwasher machine? I know many of my neighbors would love to have one. It´s supposed that all this new technology makes us have more time... The question is now, why do we want or need more time?
Everyday people is more and more focus on new projects; earning more money, having a bigger house and getting the newest phone, and this list could go on and on. The point in here is; What about family time? When do we get to have more family activities?
Yes, that´s my point.
Back in the days of my grandparents, my parents had to help with the house chores, because the responsability was in charge of EVERYBODY, if I go further back. Small children had to help with the farm, they learned from their parents because they were together. Also families were closer and happier.
I think people now is more focused on having more on something that won´t make them happy.
Ok, going back to the house, Why is it that it´s something no one wants to do?
President Thomas S. Monson counsels: "Mothers, share household duties. It is often easier to do everything yourself than to persuade your children to help, but it is so essential for them to learn the importance of doing their share". (2005, p.20).
"To succed, parents must have faith that the inevitable conflicts involved in helping children participate in family work will, in the long run, bless the children." (Hawkins,2012, p. 220)
I hope that we can work on teaching our children the value of service. Let´s keep in our mind that "... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me". Matthew 25:35-36 Family should be striving on live this way ALL THE TIME!
I hope you enjoy the folloing video...
Hinckley, G. B. (1996, September). First Presidency Message: Four simple things to help our families and our nations. Ensign, 26, 2-8.
Monson, T.S. (2005, may). Constant truths for changin times. Ensign, 35, 19-22.
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